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Adams Bridge

3.7 / 5 Beaches, Hills Valleys,

About Adams Bridge

Far From City: 32 kms from city center
Cost: About Adam's Bridge Weather: Time Required:2-3 hours

History of Adam's Bridge According to some documents and researchers, this 30-mile long bridge which separates the Gulf of Mannar from the Palk Strait, was once passable on foot up to the 15th century until it was deepened by the storms. The record at theRameshwaram Templesuggests that the Rama Setu was once completely above the sea level until it was destroyed in a cyclone in AD 1480. The calculated age of Adam's Bridge is said to be around 125,000 years to 3500 years, which somehow matches the age of the Ramayana. It is considered to be 1.7 million years ago and served as the link between India and Sri Lanka since the time of Ramayana. Lord Rama and his army reached Lanka to rescue Sita, via this bridge and hence it is also known as Rama Setu. Although, the history of its formation is a highly disputed topic. Sri Lankan historians have highly condemned this theory as they call it a gross distortion of Sri Lankan history. Studies by NASA call this bridge a 30 kilometre long naturally occurring chain of sandbanks. After various court cases and issuing of affidavits, Madras High Court passed its verdict stating that Rama Setu is a man-made structure. The bridge was reportedly passable on foot until the 15th century. After that, the channels got deepened due to storms. The bridge was completely above sea level until it was hit by a cyclone in 1480. Thus, the history of Adam's bridge has hundreds of clash of opinions. Architecture of Adam's Bridge This Bridge is a natural formation made up of rocks, small islands, stretches of reefs and sandbanks. Some of the sandbanks are dry, and the sea at this point is quite shallow that significantly affects the navigation. The sea at most places is 3 feet deep and goes up to maximum 30 feet deep at some locations. The length of the entire bridge is around 48 km or 30 miles, and its width is about 3 km. This chain of limestone shoals is a former connection between India and Sri Lanka. The precariously placed limestones give a dramatic appeal to the area. Adam's bridge has an enormous contribution in the mythological existence of the surreal tales. Facts about Adam's Bridge 1. It is a popular belief that Rama's Bridge was constructed by Lord Rama for rescuing his wife Sita from Ravana, with the help of Hanuman and his army.2. The Sri Lankans often believe that the Adam's Bridge was constructed by Ravana, using floating rocks made of weightless corals to reach India whenever he wanted.3. Adam's Bridge derived its name from an Islamic legend according to which Adam used this bridge to reach "Adam's Peak" in Sri Lanka.

Best time to visit Adam's Bridge The weather in the area is stable throughout the year. However, you can best enjoy the perfect view between November and March by avoiding the excess heat and hot winds. How to Reach Adam's Bridge The best way to reach Adam's bridge is through a taxi. There are jeep services that will take you right to the heart of it and the local temples where you can witness the floating stones that were used in the bridge. Otherwise, the best option to explore the area is on foot at least till the sea, and the bridge is walkable too.

Top Tourist Places in Dhanushkodi Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Dhanushkodi Beach Pamban island Church and Station Ruins Ramar Patham temple All Tourist Places in Dhanushkodi

Tips The place does not offer mobile network connectivity, so better be prepared for that.

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