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Kalhatti Falls

3.7 / 5 Beaches, Hills Valleys,

About Kalhatti Falls

Far From City: 1 kms from city center
Cost: About Kalhatti Falls Weather: Time Required:1-2 hrs Open Time:7:00 AM - 6:00 PM (timings may change according to sunrise and sunset timings) Cost:No entry fee

Legend and History of Kalhatti Falls Legend has it that the renowned Saint Agastya found pilgrim on this location and that too for a long time. Veerabradeshwara Temple is believed to have been built during the Vijayanagara times. This is reconfirmed as the entrance has stone cravings of three elephants, which is very popular amongst Vijayanagara architecture. The falls continuously flow on to these carvings and rocks. Devotees believe that the water from these falls is sacred and can cure human diseases. The temple conducts an annual fair for three days which is attended by many devotees from around the country. Trek to Kalhatti Falls As the Kalatti Falls is situated in the hills of Karnataka, many nature enthusiasts and trekkers flock to the location to explore the wilderness. The hills are not very dangerous yet are perfect for trekkers looking for a challenge. They can also take a dip in the falls after their tiring trek. Tarikere is a camping point 35 km from the falls which is perfect for an overnight stay. The entire valley is bountiful and lusciously green. The trekkers get a beautiful view of the hills nearby along with the waterfall. Flora and Fauna at Kalhatti Falls The area is rich in greenery. Cardamom trees are found in abundance throughout the region. There are various types of tropical trees and shrubs on the hills and in the valley. The area is also home to a lot of regional species of wildlife animals. Animals native to Indian tropical regions such as bears, elephants and monkeys can be spotted here. It is also known to hostTigerss. Kalatti falls has a lot to offer when it comes to flora and fauna.

How to Reach Kalhatti Falls It takes an hour to reach Kalhatti Falls from Birur which is the closest railway station to the falls. From there, Kalhatti is accessible through Lingadahalli. The regular buses take about 30 minutes to reach. You can also hire private vehicles to take you up to Kalhattigiri.

Top Tourist Places in Kemmanagundi Z Point Shiva Temple Kalhatti Falls Mullayanagiri Rajendra Hill Rock Garden All Tourist Places in Kemmanagundi

Tips 1. Be careful while roaming around the fall. Children should be kept at a distance.2. The area tends to get very crowded on weekends and religious days/ festivals.

Photos of Kalhatti Falls

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